Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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PROKMAAR - Process- and Object-oriented Knowledge Management for Assistance Systems using Augmented Reality


The reserach project PROKMAAR aims at developing an assistance system to support the execution of complex workflows, which are currently not well supported. By utilizing a novel process- and object-oriented approach to store and process knowledge that natively incorporates augmented reality, the goal of project PROKMAAR is to significantly advance the state-of-the-art for assistance systems.

Next Steps

The goals of the current phase of the project are to, first, formalize the requirements and prinicples of design for a PROKMAAR information system and, second, identify and characterize its functional components and formalize them as a reference architecture.

The reference architecture will then serve as an analytical lens to evaluate the state-of-the-art and formulate the next steps of the project.


Dr. Johannes DamarowskyPostdoctoral Researcher
Tel.: 0345 / 55-234 83


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